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About 簡介

Today, more than ever, people are looking to live healthier lifestyles. Nowhere is this more evident than the trend towards plant-based diets. After all, a healthy diet provides positive energy which helps to restore balance to our bodies, our minds, and the Earth.


Green Menu is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to ease hunger and promote human and environmental health through plant-based diets.

Since our inception in 2012, Green Menu’s volunteers have been working within our community to educate and promote conscious decisions regarding our food choices and how they impact our health and our environment. 





Green Menu Organization認同和支持供應綠色飲食的餐廳與企業,為了回饋社區,我們在Green Menu Center也會不定期舉辦各種活動,如蔬食下午茶會、素食小吃園遊會與身心靈講座。

Green Menu Center